Thursday, January 27, 2011

A weekend in Madrid (and bonus destinations!)

We just got back last night from our trip to Madrid. It was so amazing. I don't think my words can even capture what that experience was like; imagine every destination you go you see the most beautiful thing or most beautiful sight you've ever seen in your life... That's how this entire long weekend trip felt. I think pictures are more appropriate than words to experience this:

Acueduct in Segovia-built by the Romans in 1st century AD

Segovia Cathedral

Top of the Alcazar overlooking Segovia

Gerson cutting the pig...which we ate for lunch...


The wall that surrounds the entire city of Avila

Monument honoring 'the fallen' (soldiers) and Franco...very controversial due to the fact that it is a church honoring Franco...

A better view of the wall which encircles Avila

Well, I know that isn't a very detailed description of my trip, but it was absolutely amazing! There is so much history around me that I get to discover and enjoy, and I absolutely love it!! Time to head back to the house for lunch!


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