Thursday, April 28, 2011

Heading off to Paradise :)

This week has been crazy. Absolutely crazy. So much stress in so little time. So much calling the states. I usually love being in Spain, absolutely love it. The time that I'm not loving it- the time when I need to call everyone and their brother back at Wake to try and figure out my internship situation.

Fun fact: I'm an outrageously indecisive person. Usually, this is fine, because I'm also a very accomodating person, and so it works out that I just end up going with the flow. When I have to make a personal decision- that's when the stress sets in...

I don't want to talk more about the internship dilemma right now- because I don't want to think about it right now during this period of waiting- I'll just update you once this decision has been made. Good things are gonna happen :) 

I also had 2 papers due this week- and then there's one more (of the 12-page variety eekkk) due next week. And then beginning next Friday come finals. How are we preparing for the weeks to come?... one last hurrah! MALLORCA! BOOM! (Which I'm basically assuming is going to be a weekend of paradise for rejuvinating before finals!)   :) 

So anyhow, I'll post again on Monday, and hopefully let you know about the internship then!

Hasta lunes!

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