Wednesday, May 11, 2011


How about 2 embarassing moments I've had in my Spain experience:

1. Sintra, Portugal. Scene: Rachel, David, and Jeff are basically climbing a mountain to go to the castle on top (it was like a hike in the woods). I had to go to the bathroom very badly. There aren't too many times that I can say that I felt like my bladder was going to burst...but this was an unfortunate time where I could say that...after a long inner battle, and then a long vocal battle as I debated with my friends whether or not to utilize nature, I decided my basic decision was between peeing in the woods or peeing in my pants. Conveniently there was this rock wall so I just de-trailed and took care of my bladder's needs. Anyhow- not fun- not classy. But it gets better. I turn to go return to the trail and there's an elderly couple on the other side of said rock wall. I don't know if they saw me or not. I booked it back to my friends and up the trail to evacuate the scene. embarassing.

2. In Madrid we decided to go to this Thai food place. (yum). We actually went there twice (on separate trips to Madrid). The restaurant is called Phuket. Now I don't know how you actually pronounce that- but I may or may not have accidentally said it at raised volume in the restauraunt in a way that sounds an awful lot (aka identical) to some pretty obscene english language. Embarassing.

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