Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome to: Galicia!

Hey there friends, and family, (and maybe strangers),

So I just threw that Barcelona blog post onto the web...Im so sorry its been so long until that one...I am alive, well, and currently travelling through the lovely province of Galicia: which, fun fact is the only province of spain which always has been a Matriarchal (sp?) province...interesting yeah? (I think so)

My current thought: why the heck do they need so many churches and cathedrals? I mean its really a little frustrating to think about the millions upon millions of dollars that is being put into the churches which the church really could be using to change the world...sorry, I´m not anti church or religion by a long shot, but I think Jesus wouldve preferred the millions of dollars go to help people than to build golden crucifixes...I just don´t get it...

Okay, one of my friends is waiting for the computer so I  have to jet now. I´ll type more about what I did in Galicia when I get back to Salamanca Monday.

oh and fun fact of the day: I get absolutely terrified when I´m lost...yes I´m 20 years old and I still just don´t handle being alone and fending for myself very well...don´t judge.

Love you all muchisimo!!

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