Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Artin' it up!!

At my house I don't have internet. Which I really don't mind (most of the time). I mean, it would make it a lot more convenient for things like when I need to use wordreference, but don't want to leave the apartment...or for skyping with people at a better time. But I think it keeps me from wasting endless amounts of time on facebook or youtube or just random internet searching. (or neopets...but that's probs one of those things I shouldn't actually mention, but I have no shame!)  But, so I find that I have a lot of free time (or more accurately open procrastination time...because there's always work to be done, by I choose to push it off and need something to fill my time) and so I have taken up drawing a lot...(huh?) Yeah, I found it's actually a great stress-relief slash time filler to just draw. So I thought I would share the artworks I have done until this point:

Lisbon- from one of the castles

Scary Aloe Vera plant- Sintra, Portugal

Sintra, Portugal (yeah, I'm scared to add faces)
So yep, that's what I've been up to! My host family told me again that I should try watercolor or oil paints...but I'm not really feeling that...But I will definitely be sketching away while I'm here. (So seriously, if Calloway doesn't work out, no can say I didn't put an honest effort into my back up)  
Also, sorry for my less-upbeat posts last week. That was a rough week...but I am back to my Spain-high and feeling GREAT!! Why? Well, yesterday I helped a woman who couldn't find the office where she had her doctor's appointment! (What?!?!?!? I helped a native Salamancan with directions...yes!!) Can I just tell you what a wonderful feeling it is to have someone ask you for help? It feels like someone sees you as something other than the stereotypical American tourist, and that feels pretty darn great.

And then today I went to my very first Spanish Bible study! (thank you shout out to Meredith!!) Which was amazing! This woman is so nice, and she speaks english and spanish fluently, so we had this crazy spanglish Bible study with me, a native salamancan, and a girl from Holland. (and the leader) And then she invited us to all kinds of things that are going on at the church. I love this woman. I love this Bible study. I love this day. I love my life. Thank you Spain. (Y de veras todas las gracias a Nuestro Senor)

Con todo el amor de mi corazon!
Benditos Sean!!


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